When you create or select a container, you first see the GTM dashboard. If you click "Add New Tag" it will open a window where you can name and organize your tags.
Before we get any further into the label creation process, remember to name your labels clearly. Since a website can use so many different tags, you don't want to get confused about which tag serves what purpose. As a best practice, the naming convention you choose for your tags can help you stay organized and consistent.
A popular naming convention for tags is: tag type - description - location. For example, a Google Analytics tag tracking white paper downloads could be named "GA4 - Download White Paper Title." Because GTM lists tags alphabetically, a tag type ghana whatsapp data at the beginning of the name will group similar tags together so you can quickly find what you're looking for. Including the tag location in the tag name helps distinguish it from similar tags on other pages. Going back to my white paper download example, if I have multiple white papers on a website, the information including the title will clearly show which tag is linked to which tag.
Now, back to creating labels. When you click "Add New Tag" on the dashboard, you will see the following window:
Tag configuration and trigger menu in Google Tag Manager.
When you click Label Configuration, you'll get a long list of label templates to choose from, including the most commonly used label types. If any of these are what you are looking for, click on it and enter the required information. If you don't see the type of tag you want to create, select Custom HTML to add your own code.