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Global Top Hide sticky threads Besavior, the world's first expandable PS5 Elite controller  ...2 beloadermanager 2022-10-25 1823352 EOfromTO 2025-01-16 01:54
Global Top Hide sticky threads Besavior, 全球首款可拓展PS5精英手柄! beloadermanager 2022-10-25 916525 Superjackets 2025-01-04 01:18
Global Top Hide sticky threads Besavior Pre-order start, take USD40 free gift ! attach_img beloadermanager 2022-12-18 811679 mtom78632 2024-04-22 11:39
Global Top Hide sticky threads 【Event Notice】About the besavior / beloader rebate and commission plan attach_img beloadermanager 2022-07-21 316333 botami 2022-12-02 21:28
Global Top Hide sticky threads Besavior 开放预售, 预售期间赠送价值40美金的礼品! beloadermanager 2022-12-18 110282 Yahoo 2022-12-31 10:52
Global Top Hide sticky threads 如何分辨第1/2/3代PS5手柄 attach_img beloadermanager 2023-02-16 111123 Thisseveren 2023-11-28 06:26
Global Top Hide sticky threads How to distinguish 1/2/3 version PS5 controller attach_img beloadermanager 2023-02-16 110952 Thisseveren 2023-08-01 09:05
Does P5MATE work with the PS5 Pro? attach_img  ...234 apexzentester12 2024-11-08 398999 a5545ka 2025-03-05 19:17
PS5 PRO problem and fix way attach_img  ...2 besaviormanager 2024-12-16 123234 BulletDodger 2025-01-25 19:05
P5Mate, REALLY????  ...2 battlelog123 2024-04-28 165517 Surenhohn 2024-06-04 20:32
About 1000HZ and disconnect problem attachment  ...234 besaviormanager 2024-05-27 357446 Paramontana 2024-06-11 03:27
500 and 1000 Hz mode  ...23 Surenhohn 2024-05-19 234842 Surenhohn 2024-05-25 07:34
Touchpad and share button swap on P5MATE 新人帖  ...2 croatia 2024-07-26 123707 apexzentester12 2025-02-26 06:38
P5Mate disconnects every 30 or 1 hour  ...2 iceagex 2024-09-03 163227 UniQuePiE 2024-10-27 13:06
P5Mate not working with FlyDigi Apex 4 controller 新人帖 Wess 2024-06-05 82738 Rechargin 2024-07-15 23:46
p5mate 新人帖  ...2 robvikki 2024-09-14 153067 Mr.holmes 2024-10-21 22:12
Help for Connect my offical PS4 Controller 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 Styrop0r76 2024-10-12 133386 Styrop0r76 2024-11-15 19:22
P5Mate doesnt work with Cronus Zen on Ps5 新人帖  ...2 RAndyy 2024-06-03 102697 knonymous 2025-03-20 02:39
touchpad control the only way to press the update button on the P5mate? leis15512 2024-05-15 81899 Paramontana 2024-05-20 16:47
Ransom disconnects 新人帖 Numbskull 2024-05-22 61859 Numbskull 2024-05-26 18:48
Im thinking this device is a 新人帖  ...2 Loosifer 2024-06-05 112722 Surenhohn 2024-06-06 17:10
Using Xbox One controller as the main controller 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 Riskynest 2024-06-10 132761 Riskynest 2024-06-24 20:54
DS50PRO connection not working 新人帖  ...2 ss12 2024-08-14 122135 ss12 2024-09-12 22:44
P5 Mate with xim apex 新人帖 mAttZ 2024-07-11 81640 promegaus 2025-03-15 01:14
Delivery time 新人帖  ...2 Surenhohn 2024-05-12 113239 besaviormanager 2024-05-19 21:15
Any news for flashing purple lights with XIM devices? iceagex 2024-05-24 51757 romwan 2024-06-04 02:29
Still purple lights after the firmware update 0525 Surenhohn 2024-05-25 71864 Numbskull 2024-05-26 21:38
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