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Global Top Hide sticky threads Besavior, 全球首款可拓展PS5精英手柄! beloadermanager 2022-10-25 710996 pharmacy 2024-07-08 10:35
Global Top Hide sticky threads Besavior Pre-order start, take USD40 free gift ! attach_img beloadermanager 2022-12-18 87434 mtom78632 2024-04-22 11:39
Global Top Hide sticky threads Besavior, the world's first expandable PS5 Elite controller  ...2 beloadermanager 2022-10-25 1514275 datahk2 2024-03-27 16:16
Global Top Hide sticky threads 如何分辨第1/2/3代PS5手柄 attach_img beloadermanager 2023-02-16 16006 Thisseveren 2023-11-28 06:26
Global Top Hide sticky threads How to distinguish 1/2/3 version PS5 controller attach_img beloadermanager 2023-02-16 16749 Thisseveren 2023-08-01 09:05
Global Top Hide sticky threads Besavior 开放预售, 预售期间赠送价值40美金的礼品! beloadermanager 2022-12-18 16589 Yahoo 2022-12-31 10:52
Global Top Hide sticky threads 【Event Notice】About the besavior / beloader rebate and commission plan attach_img beloadermanager 2022-07-21 312453 botami 2022-12-02 21:28
 Category Top Hide sticky threads Besavior Firmware - Latest version & Change Log beloadermanager 2023-03-13 815201 2024-05-30 07:09
 Category Top Hide sticky threads Self-Checking function video beloadermanager 2023-03-15 32690 2024-02-11 08:21
 Category Top Hide sticky threads Besavior Manager 1.1 attachment  ...2 beloadermanager 2023-01-15 1019539 Beasy59 2023-03-19 08:28
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新固件202309091142解决XIM MATRIX在APEX游戏中奔跑BUG attachment besaviormanager 2023-09-12 01969 besaviormanager 2023-09-12 16:58
Besavior Beta firmware 07041709 修复PS5 APEX自动奔跑BUG 新人帖 attachment besaviormanager 2023-07-08 01444 besaviormanager 2023-07-08 11:39
Besavior最新固件202303080936发布 attachment beloadermanager 2023-03-09 03114 beloadermanager 2023-03-09 20:41
Besavior 固件202302061244支持PS5 edge手柄 attachment beloadermanager 2023-02-07 03559 beloadermanager 2023-02-07 15:30
Besavior Receiver使用手册 attachment beloadermanager 2023-02-06 03778 beloadermanager 2023-02-06 17:39
Besavior Manager 1.1 和 最新升级固件下载 attachment beloadermanager 2023-01-15 06934 beloadermanager 2023-01-15 18:18
Besavior产品售后服务手册 attachment beloadermanager 2022-12-19 04107 beloadermanager 2022-12-19 13:31
Besavior DIY Kit安装视频教程 attach_img beloadermanager 2022-12-16 03270 beloadermanager 2022-12-16 21:05
Besavior PS5手柄功能使用教程 attachment beloadermanager 2022-12-16 05826 beloadermanager 2022-12-16 19:55

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