Hey guys
so i finally got my beloader pro, and finally made it work with xim apex.
it took me some time. for some weird reason, xim just wouldnt work untill i plug in out and plug in few times, then it worked.
FW factory.
so i have been reading the manual, and sorry guys but the english in it is so bad, i barely understand how to activate all these differet macros.
i have also tried to watch your video, specially the part with anti recoil. and funnily there is a cut in the video where you wanted to explain it.
so do i understand it correct, i hold down the option button for 5 seconds on the ps5 dual sence to activate the advanced features.
my dual sense should vibrate. but it doesnt. i have checked that vibration is on in the ps5 system setting and also on in the cod menu controller setting.
so lets say something is wrong with my vibration motor, and the advanced feature do activate, whats next? Hold L2 and Share button to activate the anti recoil config?
your manual pdf doesnt say anything about rapid fire either?
hope someone can help