Even if I create a new ID and try according to the manual, the green light flashes and then the red light turns off. What should I do?
at first the blue light blinks, then the green light blinks, and finally the red light blinks and then turns off.
Have you see two times “Successful” in green on the top right corner of the manager? One for the PS account and another one for WiFi/password/remote code.
Have you connected the beloader to internet immediately after finish with the manager and Before the remote code expired?
Here how I setup the manager, usually works great. Post #5
If you are using WiFi you should used your WiFi and password obviously.
Have you see two times “Successful” in green on the top right corner of the manager ...
Tried two manuals
Every time I tried, I checked the message saying it was successful.
I will check the contents below.
1: wifi account and password just write fake one
2: check if your hub ic is 8152 or 8153
3: the psn id should same as wifi version, please check if same
Post time 2022-01-23 17:21:59From the mobile phone|Show all posts
For wifi account and password you can write what you want, simply put a 1 there it works, number 2 is a little but harder try looking up the manufacturer website of you hub to see which chip it has
Post time 2022-01-23 22:39:26From the mobile phone|Show all posts
That firmware you have is a fix for something else, you need this one https://forum.beloader.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=19&extra=page%3D1&mobile=2
please check if your ps5, pc and beloader at the same network
i think you want use wifi to connect beloader
if all network at the same router, please try the manual way to get correct psn id:
hi everybody!! my problem is !!! its flashing blue and never turn green ..it said succesfull in the set up menu and when i plug into my ps5 flashing blue and turn off !!! someone could help me pls