- Besavior, the world's first expandable PS5 Elite controller (18Replies)
- Besavior, 全球首款可拓展PS5精英手柄! (9Replies)
- Besavior Pre-order start, take USD40 free gift ! (8Replies)
- 如何分辨第1/2/3代PS5手柄 (1Replies)
- How to distinguish 1/2/3 version PS5 controller (1Replies)
- Besavior 开放预售, 预售期间赠送价值40美金的礼品! (1Replies)
- 【Event Notice】About the besavior / beloader rebate and commission plan (3Replies)
- Beloader software and manual pack 2022.10.08 (12Replies)
- priligy como se usa (0Replies)
- Super update Manager 1.3 for beloader (new) (6Replies)
- the besavior controller software (1Replies)
- Beloader Manager 1.4 released (3Replies)
- Gree and red light (3Replies)
- download file (0Replies)
- Beloader HID firmware and config way (0Replies)
- ManagerDriver released (0Replies)